Seqal provides a number of counters that can be consulted as it runs and at the end of a job. Here is an explanation of what they mean.
Counter name | Explanation |
DUPLICATE FRAGMENTS | Number of unpaired fragments identified as duplicates. The fragment may be “unpaired” because its mate was unmapped. |
DUPLICATE PAIRS | Number of pairs identified as duplicates. |
EMITTED SAM RECORDS | SAM records written to the output files. |
MAPPED COORDINATES | Number of mapped reads. |
READS FILTERED: LOW QUALITY | Number of reads discarded because of mapq score under the minimum threshold. |
READS FILTERED: UNMAPPED | Number of reads discarded because they were unmapped. |
READS PROCESSED | Number of reads processed by Seqal (may not be the same as the ones processed by PairReadsQSeq, since it filters as well). |
RMDUP UNIQUE FRAGMENTS | Number of unique unpaired reads written to output after duplicate identification. |
RMDUP UNIQUE PAIRS | Number of unique read pairs written to output after duplicate identification. |
TIME_ANALYZE_PAIRS (CAL_+SW+REFGAP+PROCESS) | Total number of milliseconds (all nodes summed together) spent aligning, filtering, and writing the mapper output. |
TIME_BUILD_BWSA | Total number of ms spent converting input to BWA in-memory structures. |
TIME_CAL_PAC_POS_PE | Total number of ms spent generating paired alignments. |
TIME_CAL_SA_REG_GAP | Total number of ms spent calculating SA position. |
TIME_COUNT_BASES | Total number of ms spent counting bases. |
TIME_DESTROY_SEQUENCES | Total number of ms spent freeing sequence memory. |
TIME_PAIRED_SW | Total number of ms spent performing Smith-Waterman alignment. |
TIME_REFINE_GAPPED | Total number of ms spent refining gapped alignments. |
TIME_RESTORE_INDEX | Total number of ms spent loading the reference index. |
TIME_RESTORE_REFERENCE | Total number of ms spent loading the reference sequence. |
TOTAL BASES | Number of bases processes. |
TRIMMED BASES | Number of bases trimmed (when read trimming is enabled). |