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MergeAlignments is a utility to merge SAM mapping records into a single, well-formatted SAM file, which could be on the local file system. It takes all the inputs specified on the command line and sends them to the chosen output destination, after emitting the SAM header based on the specified reference.

MergeAlignments interprets path wildcards (e.g. /user/me/part-*) and sorts by name the file names they produce. Specifying a directory dir as input is equivalent to specifying dir/*.

The main motivation behind MergeAlignments is to provide a tool to merge the ordered SAM mappings produced by ReadSort into a well-formed SAM on the local file system for further processing by traditional tools.

MergeAlignments is not a MapReduce program!

Although MergeAlignments can access HDFS, it runs locally on the machine where it is started. Keep that in mind. Also, it doesn’t follow the Seal usage convention so at the moment it does not look at the Seal Config File nor does it parse the standard command line options (in particular -D to set configuration properties). We hope to remedy this limitation soon.


seal merge_alignments [options] input_dir+ output_file.sam

or, to write to standard output:

seal merge_alignments [options] input_dir+


--annotations <ref.ann>       annotation file (.ann) of the BWA
                              reference used to create the SAM data
                              (not required if you specify ref)
--header-only                 Only output the SAM header, then exit.
--md5                         generated MD5 checksums for reference contigs
--reference <REF_PATH>        root path to the reference used to
                              create the SAM data
--rg-cn <center>              Read group center
--rg-dt <date>                Read group date
--rg-id <ID>                  Read group id
--rg-lb <library>             Read group library
--rg-pl <platform>            Read group platform
--rg-pu <pu>                  Read group platform unit
--rg-sm <sample>              Read group sample
--sort-order <sort order>     A valid SAM sort order.  Default:  coordinate.
--sq-assembly <ASSEMBLY_ID>   Genome assembly identifier (@SQ AS:xxxx tag)


--sort-order for now by default takes the value ‘coordinate’ for backwards compatibility. We recommend you specify your desired value explicitly since this default may change in the future.


If desired, MergeAlignments can insert the MD5 checksum of the reference contigs into the SAM header, as permitted by the SAM format specification. To enable this feature specify the --md5 command line option and provide the path to the full reference fasta and annotations (the path of the annotations will be assumed to be <ref>.ann if only the reference is provided). Note that the checksums are calculated on-the-fly so they will add a couple of minutes to the processing time.

Sort order

The sort order of the data is not verified by MergeAlignments. At the moment MergeAlignments by default assumes that the data is sorted by coordinate, which provides compatibility to previous versions of Seal. We recommend that you explicitly specify the sort order of your data lest the default change to ‘unordered’.


Simple invocation after ReadSort:

seal merge_alignments --sort-order coordinate --annotations "file://${RefPath}.ann" sort_output_dir file:///tmp/local_file.sam

Write a proper SAM from unsorted Seqal output back to HDFS:

seal merge_alignments --sort-order unsorted --annotations "file://${RefPath}.ann" seqal_output_dir merged_file.sam

Add RG tag and assembly id:

seal merge_alignments --sort-order coordinate --annotations "file://${RefPath}.ann"  --sq-assembly NCBIv37 \
  --rg-id "${Id}" --rg-sm "${SampleName}" --rg-cn "${Centre}" --rg-dt "${Date}" \
  "${ReadSortOutputDir}" file:///tmp/local_file.sam

Pipe into samtools to generate a BAM on-the-fly:

seal merge_alignments --sort-order coordinate --annotations "file://${RefPath}.ann" | \
  samtools view -bST  "${RefPath}.fai" /dev/stdin -o "${MergeOutputFile}"

Add MD5 checksums, write to a local SAM:

seal merge_alignments --sort-order coordinate --md5 --reference "file://${RefPath}" \
  "${ReadSortOutputDir}" > local_file.sam